
We deliver compassionate care and effective treatments for testicular cancer. 要了解更多信息,请致电皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校泌尿科 310-794-7700.


当发现肿瘤时, the testicle is removed to determine the type of cancer cells that make up the tumor. 肿瘤也是分阶段的. 分期是用来发现癌症扩散的程度. 除了用于诊断睾丸癌的测试, imaging tests and blood tests are also used to determine the stage. The stage of your cancer is very important in planning your treatment.

睾丸癌的治疗 睾丸癌有三种治疗方法. Which treatment you choose depends on the type of cancer and stage at diagnosis. 这三种治疗方法是:

放射治疗使用高能光束, 比如x射线, to kill cancer cells in your scrotum and stop them from spreading. When treating testicular cancer, men receive external beam 辐射. 用外部放射治疗, a machine directs the high-energy rays at your tumor and a small amount of healthy tissue around it. The most common type of machine used to give you external 辐射 therapy is called a linear accelerator. External 辐射 therapy is usually given to you during outpatient visits to a hospital or treatment center. Outpatient visits are when you do not need to stay overnight in the hospital or treatment center. Radiation therapy is mainly used for patients with seminoma, which is very sensitive to 辐射. It may be used after surgery and is directed at the lymph nodes at the back of the abdomen. This is to kill any cancer in those lymph nodes that can't be seen.

Radiation therapy can affect health cells as well as cancer cells. 这可能会给你带来副作用. 副作用因人而异, 不同的治疗方法可能会有所不同. 有些人没有或非常轻微的副作用. The good news is that there are ways to deal with most of the side effects. The side effects that you have depend on the 辐射 dose you get during your cancer treatment, 你的总体健康状况. 常见的副作用包括疲劳, 受辐射部位的皮肤变化, 食欲不振, 恶心想吐, 和腹泻. Radiation therapy can also interfere with sperm production. Many patients regain their fertility 1 to 2 years after treatment. If you are concerned with fertility speak, with your doctor about your options.


Surgery to remove the affected testicle is called a radical inguinal orchiectomy. Men may be concerned that losing a testicle will affect their ability to have sex or father children. A man with one testicle can still have normal erections and produce sperm. Depending on the type and stage of your testicular cancer, the surgeon may remove lymph nodes from the back of the abdomen. This procedure is called a retroperitoneal lymph node dissection, 也是皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校泌尿科的一个专业领域. We perform this procedure through an incision or with robotic-assisted laparoscopy. 切除这些淋巴结是已知的, 在某些情况下, 导致生育问题, though a nerve sparing surgical technique can potentially avoid this result. Some men are concerned about how their body will look after having a testicle removed. We can place testicular prostheses or artificial testicles in your scrotum to replace the one that was removed during your surgery.  The prosthesis makes your scrotum look like it did before surgery. 有些人想装义肢,有些人则不想. You should discuss your wishes with your surgeon before surgery.


放射治疗使用高能光束, 比如x射线, to kill cancer cells in your scrotum and stop them from spreading. When treating testicular cancer, men receive external beam 辐射. 用外部放射治疗, a machine directs the high-energy rays at your tumor and a small amount of healthy tissue around it. The most common type of machine used to give you external 辐射 therapy is called a linear accelerator. External 辐射 therapy is usually given to you during outpatient visits to a hospital or treatment center. Outpatient visits are when you do not need to stay overnight in the hospital or treatment center. Radiation therapy is mainly used for patients with seminoma, which is very sensitive to 辐射. It may be used after surgery and is directed at the lymph nodes at the back of the abdomen. This is to kill any cancer in those lymph nodes that can't be seen.

Radiation therapy can affect health cells as well as cancer cells. 这可能会给你带来副作用. 副作用因人而异, 不同的治疗方法可能会有所不同. 有些人没有或非常轻微的副作用. The good news is that there are ways to deal with most of the side effects. The side effects that you have depend on the 辐射 dose you get during your cancer treatment, 你的总体健康状况. 常见的副作用包括疲劳, 受辐射部位的皮肤变化, 食欲不振, 恶心想吐, 和腹泻. Radiation therapy can also interfere with sperm production. Many patients regain their fertility 1 to 2 years after treatment. If you are concerned with fertility speak, with your doctor about your options.


Chemotherapy for testicular cancer is the use of powerful anticancer medicines that kill many of the cancer cells. Chemotherapy treats your whole body, not just one area, like surgery or 辐射 therapy. The chemotherapy medicines you are given travel throughout your whole body. 你可以通过两种不同的方式接受化疗. Some of the anticancer medicines are given to you intravenously. This means that the medicines go into your body through a needle in your vein. Other chemotherapy medicines can be taken by mouth or orally. Sometimes two or more chemotherapy medicines will be given to you at the same time.

The strong anticancer medicines used in chemotherapy are made to kill cells in your body that grow and divide very quickly. 这就是为什么化疗可能会有副作用. 还有你的癌细胞, chemotherapy also kills healthy cells in your body that grow and divide very quickly. However, most of the side effects slowly go away after you finish your chemotherapy. There are ways to make the side effects easier to deal with while you are having chemotherapy. 常见的副作用包括恶心, 脱发, 乏力, 呕吐, 发热, 发冷, 咳嗽/呼吸急促, 口腔溃疡, 或者是皮疹. Other side effects include dizziness, numbness, loss of reflexes, or difficulty hearing.

Men with one healthy testicle still achieve normal erections and produce sperm, 在大多数情况下,生育能力也被保留了下来. Because of the possibility that men who have lymph node removal, 辐射, 否则化疗将不再有效, patients may opt to freeze and store sperm prior to treatment. Given the risk of recurrence, regular follow-up exams are important for men who have been treated.