Nuclear Medicine

UCLA Health nuclear medicine specialists have extensive experience using sophisticated imaging techniques to diagnose and manage diseases. 我们知识渊博、技能高超的团队为儿童和成人提供帮助.



皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康Ahmanson转化成像皇冠hga025工作, 我们的专家使用核医学程序进行诊断, 管理和治疗一系列疾病. We’re skilled at using groundbreaking imaging technology to deliver the highest level of care to people of all ages. 我们课程的亮点包括:

诊断和治疗方面的专业知识: We lead the nation in state-of-the-art imaging and therapy using nuclear medicine technology. 我们的高技能专家作为一个团队来评估和分期疾病, 提供精确的诊断并提供潜在的治疗方法.

Convenient care: 我们在几个地方执行核医学程序, 包括韦斯特伍德的住院和门诊诊所, Santa Monica, 千橡和圣克拉丽塔. Our compassionate team makes it as easy as possible for you to get the care you need.

开创性的治疗方法: Nuclear medicine experts work with a coordinated team of specialists to treat neuroendocrine tumors (NETs) and prostate cancer. The Nuclear Medicine Clinic at UCLA was one of the first medical centers in the US to treat NET patients with Lutathera®, 和前列腺癌患者使用Pluvicto®.

前列腺癌精确分期: UCLA Health nuclear medicine experts use PET/CT with an imaging probe that targets the prostate-specific membrane antigen (PSMA). PSMA PET/CT scans help diagnose and stage prostate cancer with unparalleled accuracy. The results of these scans enable the patient’s care team to plan more effective treatments.

Commitment to research: Our specialists are at the forefront of the latest advances in nuclear medicine technology. We are actively involved with research to develop new nuclear medicine techniques that can help doctors diagnose, 管理和治疗心血管疾病, 癌症和神经系统疾病.


Nuclear medicine uses small amounts of radioactive tracers or drugs to help doctors diagnose and treat a variety of diseases. 在核医学过程中, 你的医生用一台大型扫描仪为你的身体拍摄详细的照片. Nuclear Medicine therapies are performed by injecting or swallowing the radioactive drug.

The radioactive tracer or drug is attracted to specific organs, bones, tissues or cells. Your doctor uses special cameras that can image where the tracers accumulate and "light up" in your body. 这些信息有助于你的医生诊断和评估许多情况.


Before your procedure, your doctor or a nuclear medicine technologist will give you a small amount of radioactive tracer. 大多数示踪剂被注射到静脉中,有些被吞下或吸入. 接下来是扫描. 这取决于手术的类型, you may need to wait a few hours or a few days between getting the tracer and having the scan.  

扫描后,您可以安全回家并恢复日常活动. The radioactive material usually loses its radioactivity within a few hours and also leaves your body naturally when you go to the bathroom.

对核医学示踪剂和药物的反应极为罕见.如果你有任何担忧或过敏,请咨询你的医生. 核医学程序是安全的. The total amount of radiation you receive from a nuclear medicine exam is comparable to the amount you receive during an X-ray or a CT scan.

当你的扫描图像准备好了, 你的医生会检查它们,并为你的护理团队创建一份报告. Your care team will contact you to review the results, answer questions and discuss next steps.

Our areas of care

At UCLA Health, 我们使用核医学程序来诊断疾病, manage conditions, 计划治疗并提供有针对性的治疗. 核医学技术使我们能够:

Diagnose conditions: 我们的专家对心脏进行扫描, thyroid, liver, kidneys, gallbladder, lungs and other organs to see how the organs are working and to diagnose a range of conditions. 这些疾病的例子包括心血管疾病, Alzheimer’s disease, epilepsy and cancers.

管理疾病和计划治疗: We use the results of nuclear medicine scans to gather information about the character, 疾病的阶段以及对治疗的反应. Using this information, your care team can develop the most appropriate treatment plan while lowering the risk of future disease.

提供有效的治疗: 核医学使我们能够直接对某些癌症进行治疗. 例子包括神经内分泌肿瘤、前列腺癌和甲状腺癌. 


Our team uses sophisticated imaging technology to deliver the latest advances in care. 我们专注于所有核医学程序,包括:


These imaging tests create detailed pictures of the body using safe amounts of a radioactive tracer. 这些图像让我们看到器官是如何工作的,并评估异常, 受损或癌变组织.

在给你注射示踪剂后,你的医生会进行PET/CT扫描. 示踪剂聚集在身体的某些部位,并在图像上显示出来. 取决于程序, 这些突出的区域可能是肿瘤, 阿尔茨海默病或心脏或血管问题的证据.


这项成像研究评估通过心脏动脉的血流量. 我们将少量安全的放射性示踪剂注入静脉. 当示踪剂穿过你的心脏肌肉时, we take images with a scanner that allows us to check the blood vessels in your heart. We can identify any damaged areas or blood flow problems based on how the tracer looks on the scan.

We perform this test while you are resting and after you have exercised (nuclear stress test). Your doctor may ask you to walk on a treadmill or do another activity that increases your heart rate before doing the second scan. 然后我们将休息时的图像与运动后的图像进行比较.

心脏灌注扫描可以帮助我们看到有多少血液到达心脏. It allows us to determine the cause of chest pain or to assess damage after a heart attack.

前列腺特异性膜抗原(PSMA) PET/CT成像

This advanced imaging study allows us to locate prostate tumors so we can develop more effective treatments. 该测试使用一种安全的放射性示踪剂. 你的医生将示踪剂注入你手臂的静脉. 当示踪剂流过你的血液, it attaches to specific proteins (called PSMA) that develop on the surface of prostate cancer tumors.

Using a sophisticated scanner, your doctor looks at images of your prostate and surrounding organs. They can pinpoint the location of any tumors once the tracer highlights them on the scan. 这种先进的技术导致更精确的诊断和治疗. 了解更多关于PSMA PET/CT扫描的信息.


At UCLA Health, we offer Lutathera®, a modern treatment for advanced (metastatic) neuroendocrine tumors of the stomach, gut or pancreas. 这些肿瘤有时被称为类癌肿瘤. 作为FDA批准前的临床试验的一部分, UCLA Health experts treated more patients with Lutathera® than any other medical center in the nation. 这意味着我们在使用这种疗法方面有丰富的经验. 

Lutathera® is a type of 肽受体放射性核素治疗; a treatment that targets tumors and delivers a high dose of radiation to destroy them. 当你的医生通过静脉注射Lutathera®, it travels through your bloodstream and attaches to the cells of the neuroendocrine tumor. 一旦它附着在这些细胞上, Lutathera®提供靶向剂量的辐射来摧毁癌细胞.

Lutathera® (Lutetium 177-DOTATATE) has been shown to reduce disease progression in people with these tumors. 为蚊帐提供治疗, 我们与包括肿瘤学家在内的多专业团队密切合作, endocrinologists, 外科医生和介入放射科医生. 了解更多关于UCLA健康神经内分泌肿瘤项目(NET).

Meet our team

Our team includes recognized leaders in the field of nuclear medicine that diagnose, manage and treat disease. We work with specialists in other departments to ensure coordinated care for children and adults. Team Directory >

Contact us

Call 310-794-1005 联系皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心的核医学专家.

Find your care

You can trust UCLA Health to deliver an accurate diagnosis and outstanding care using the latest advances in nuclear medicine. Call 310-794-1005 与专家联系.