
采用多专业方法, our team offers tailored treatment plans and the latest surgical procedures to help 孩子ren with craniofacial anomalies. 我们满足您孩子的需求,同时为您和您的家庭提供支持和指导.



Our team delivers the most advanced and comprehensive care for 孩子ren with craniofacial disorders (abnormalities of the 头骨 and face). 我们儿科颅面门诊的亮点包括:

公认的专业技能: The 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 儿童颅面专科护理 Center is one of the largest programs of its kind in the United States. Since it was established in 1972, our program has achieved national and international recognition. 作为美国西南部的区域中心, 来自全国各地的病人都来到我们这里寻求卓越的护理和治疗.

团队的方法: 我们高度专业化的团队包括整形外科医生, 头颈外科医生, 儿科医生, 医学遗传学家, 牙医, 牙齿矫正医师, 听力学家和语言病理学家. We work closely with other specialists to ensure your 孩子 receives the exceptional care they deserve.

遗传咨询和支持: 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 pediatric genetic specialists use advanced technology to identify the exact gene change that caused the craniofacial disorder. 这种精确的诊断使我们的治疗更有效. We focus on helping families understand genetic disorders so we can work as a team to ensure each 孩子 reaches their full potential.

开创性的程序: Our program was the first in California to perform neonatal mandibular distraction (jaw lengthening). 我们专门做这个手术, which treats and prevents breathing problems that occur in babies born with micrognathia (a very small lower jaw). 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校的健康专家也开创了骨移植的骨组织工程. This allows us to use engineered bone (tissue made from stem cells and other materials) for a bone graft instead of removing bone from a patient’s hip or rib. 我们在几个手术中使用了骨组织工程, 包括下颌牵引和腭裂修复.

协调护理: 简化护理流程,方便多名专家会诊, 我们的团队与您一起在一天内安排几个约会. 你的孩子可能会见多达15名医生和专家, 包括正畸专家, 眼科学, 听力学和语言病理学.


As leaders in pediatric craniofacial care, our team is by your side for every step of your journey. 你的孩子得到世界级的照顾,你的整个家庭得到全面的支持. 我们提供:


皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 genetic counselors specialize in helping you and your family understand genetic disorders that cause craniofacial abnormalities. We work closely with the 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 Genetics Clinic to provide precise diagnoses that identify the exact gene change that caused the disorder. 

Our compassionate and knowledgeable team also provides preconception genetic counseling for people with a personal or family history of genetic disorders. We work with parents to evaluate inheritance patterns and assess the chance of passing along genetic craniofacial disorder. 


注重团队合作, our experts come together to address the varied needs of 孩子ren with craniofacial disorders. 我们根据您孩子的年龄为他们定制每一个治疗方案, 生活方式和其他医疗条件. We partner with you and your family to adjust your 孩子’s plan as they grow and their needs change.


通过小儿颅面门诊, 您的孩子得到许多专家的专门照顾, 包括语言治疗师, 牙齿矫正医师, 耳鼻喉科专家, 眼科医生和发育儿科医生. 我们擅长帮助婴儿和儿童的每一个童年阶段.

如有必要,我们的团队还会帮助您的孩子过渡到成人看护. 例如, 有些唇腭裂患儿在婴儿时期需要进行一系列手术, 蹒跚学步的, 孩子, 青少年及青年. 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校的健康专家与您密切合作,在合适的年龄进行这些手术, 评估孩子的进展并提供适当的后续护理.


Our highly skilled surgeons have extensive experience with the latest surgical procedures to treat the full range of disorders affecting the head and neck. We specialize in minimally invasive techniques that require smaller incisions and involve less recovery time.

如果您的孩子需要传统(开放式)手术, 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校医疗中心的儿科外科医生是世界上顶尖的专家之一. 我们的外科团队通力合作,提供卓越的护理.


同时提供最高质量的医疗和疗法, 我们的团队为您和您的家人提供信息, 指导和支持. We understand the challenges that can accompany caring for a 孩子 with special medical needs.

Our team ensures that you and your 孩子 understand your care plan and get the support you need. You’ll have access to comprehensive patient education and resources as well as support groups for families who share your experience.


皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校美泰儿童颅面专科护理中心, 我们甚至治疗最复杂的颅面疾病. Our world-renowned experts specialize in advanced treatments for congenital disorders (facial differences that are present at birth). We also restore craniofacial features in babies and 孩子ren who have abnormalities that result from trauma and accidents.


唇腭裂: These disorders involve openings in a newborn’s upper lip or palate (roof of the mouth) that develop before birth.

颅缝早闭: This congenital abnormality (birth defect) happens when bones in an infant’s 头骨 join together too early, 导致颅骨形状异常. 颅缝闭锁可由几种遗传疾病引起, 包括Crouzon综合征和saethree - chotzen综合征.

例矮小: 眼睛, 脸颊, 头骨, 一侧脸部的鼻子和其他组织发育不全, 造成不对称外观的.

小耳症: This congenital abnormality happens when the outer part of a baby’s ear doesn’t form properly. 它要么太小(小缺失),要么完全缺失(缺失)。.

Pfeiffer综合征和Apert综合征: 这些遗传疾病会导致颅骨、面部、手和脚的异常.

皮埃尔·罗宾序列: This genetic disorder causes breathing problems that result from an underdeveloped jaw (micrognathia). The baby’s tongue is also displaced, and it can fall back into the throat, blocking the airway. 患有皮埃尔·罗宾序列的儿童通常也患有腭裂.

Treacher Collins综合征: 婴儿在子宫里生长时,面部的骨骼和组织发育不正常. 患有Treacher Collins综合征的婴儿通常颧骨发育不全, 小下巴,下巴和向下倾斜的眼睛.


皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校美泰儿童医院, 我们提供富有同情心的护理, 颅面畸形的综合治疗和有效治疗. 我们的特色产品包括:


我们治疗的许多疾病都会影响语言、听力和视力. Some 孩子ren with craniofacial disorders also have learning delays or difficulty meeting developmental milestones. 我们作为一个团队来解决这些问题, 预防并发症,帮助你的孩子充分发挥他们的潜力.

你孩子的治疗计划可能包括语言治疗, 助听器,社会和情感支持. 唇腭裂儿童接受专家治疗, which may involve orthodontic devices that can reduce the number of surgical procedures they’ll need. 我们为您量身定制每个治疗方案,以满足您孩子的需求.


皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 pediatric surgeons have specialized experience helping babies and 孩子ren with craniofacial anomalies. 如果你的孩子需要手术,你可以放心,因为他们在专家手中. 我们使用最先进的技术,并专注于尽可能减少疤痕. 我们的团队在普通和复杂的外科手术方面拥有专业知识,例如:

唇腭裂修复: There are many different surgeries that correct cleft lip and cleft palate to prevent or minimize problems with speech, 听力和饮食. 有些孩子在整个童年时期需要多次手术. 这些手术关闭口腔开口,修复上颚,重塑鼻子和嘴唇.

颅缝早闭手术: We are skilled at traditional (open) techniques as well as minimally invasive procedures to treat this condition.

新生儿下颌牵引: 这种手术延长小或凹陷的下颌,以纠正和预防呼吸问题.

整形和重建手术: 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 pediatric surgeons are experts at a wide range of cosmetic and reconstructive procedures. 是儿科医生, we understand the importance of striking the right balance between offering procedures that enhance a 孩子’s appearance and encouraging 孩子ren to be proud of who they are.


我们高度专业化的团队包括整形外科医生, 头颈外科医生, 儿科医生, 医学遗传学家, 牙医, 牙齿矫正医师, 听力学家和语言病理学家. 我们与眼科医生合作, 神经外科医生, maxillofacial prosthetics specialists and 耳鼻喉科专家 to deliver thorough care and expert treatments. Experienced social workers and psychologists address the mental and emotional health of your 孩子 and your family.



颅面专家在一个支持性的环境中提供世界级的护理. 呼叫 310-825-0867 与专家联系.


颅面专家在一个支持性的环境中提供世界级的护理. 呼叫 310-825-0867 与专家联系.